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The Austrian President congratulates the Copts of Egypt and all Eastern Orthodox on the glorious Resurrection Day

The Austrian President congratulates the Copts of Egypt and all Eastern Orthodox on the glorious Resurrection Day

Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen today extended his sincere congratulations to the Egyptian Copts in Austria and all Eastern Orthodox; On the occasion of the glorious Easter.


The Austrian President said in a statement today, Sunday "I hope everyone celebrates a happy and peaceful Easter today.. Let us seize this opportunity together To celebrate the values ​​of society, cohesion and respect.”


Ambassador Mohamed El-Mulla, Egypt’s ambassador to Vienna and its representative before international organizations, participated, last night, in the glorious Easter Mass, and the attendees joined him. Consul General Mohamed El-Behairy and an elite group of symbols of the Egyptian community in Austria.


The mass included a video congratulatory speech on Eid from His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of Mark.


The prayer that was held in the Church of the Virgin Mary in Vienna was led by a number of Christian clerics, and in the presence of a large presence of members of the Egyptian Coptic community in Austria.  

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