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Benefits of the squat exercise: What muscles do squats work on?

Squatting is an easy exercise to do and can help you strengthen many of the core muscles in your body.

Practical and easy to perform, with or without weights, they can help make your body more flexible and strong across a number of areas.

One of the main benefits of squatting with weights is to add strength to your glutes, which helps tone and tighten your glutes.
That’s why many people do squats in order to work on their shape.

The quadriceps are also strengthened due to the stress you place on the top of your legs, while strengthening the quadriceps and helping to swell the legs.

Other muscles benefit
The hip muscles, the calf muscles, the ligaments, and especially the hamstrings, are all muscles that benefit from the exercise of performing a squat.

What parts of your body benefit from squatting?
Muscles are not only strengthened through squats.

The tendons, bones, and ligaments around the calf muscles are strengthened, which helps take weight off your knees and ankles, thus making them more stable and strong.

Some studies have also indicated that by strengthening the spine and lower body, it can boost bone mineral density.

Squatting also makes you more flexible by keeping your tendons, muscles, and ligaments flexible, which slows down your body’s natural process of becoming less flexible.

What kind of squats can you do with weights?
One of the most popular methods is the Goblet Squad, in which you hold a bell or dumbbells close to your chest while performing a regular squat, standing straight with feet apart and knees bent.

The dumbbell thrust is another method that involves holding the dumbbells in your hands raised to head height as you would a normal squat.

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