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An American woman loses 72 kg to become a firefighter

A 43-year-old US woman lost 72 kilograms to fulfill her childhood dream and become a firefighter.

Penny Lever from Texas has been an athletic kid since childhood, but she started gaining weight quickly in college. The situation got out of hand when the American hit 143 kilograms.
Frightened for her life, the woman decided to go on a diet.

In just 15 months, Penny lost 72 kilograms, and now the woman confirms: she was born again.
You can now buy the clothes you love, take long walks, and go shopping. But most importantly for her, she managed to realize her childhood dream.

In 2021, the woman becomes a firefighter, joining a team of volunteers. In addition, Penny has become a student at the Fire Academy and plans to obtain a license next fall.

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