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Settlement, 8,000 years old in the UAE

Building ruins, exceeding eight and a half years, were discovered on Gaga Island, West Abu Dhabi in the UAE.

Archaeologists said buildings were the oldest in the United Arab Emirates. In the past, the oldest is a building on the island of Marwa off the Abu Dhabi coast. It turned out to be 500 years old.

Scientists believe that the first communities in this discovery. Simple round rooms were up to meters in length. Hundreds of archaeological pieces were found in the rooms, including a stone connection for hunting.

The scientists can now know when people have lived here, and why they left. It was believed that settlements were formed in the area as a result of the development of maritime trading methods, which evolved during the modern stone period. However, the recent discovery proves that people started to live in that area much earlier.

Mohammed Al Mubarak, head of the Department of Culture and Tourism, said: “The people and their technology have settled here for eight thousand years.”

According to the official, specialists still should detect much to see as much as possible for the past on the United Arab Emirates.


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