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Scientists urge people to eat insects

Researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands say switching to a diet containing more insects will not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but will also grow crops more efficiently.

The researchers explained in an article in the journal “Trends in Plant Science.” Insects can be an excellent source of protein. At the same time, it requires much less resources for production compared to conventional farming – for one kilogram of protein, you need to grow about two kilograms of worms. Getting the same amount of protein from beef requires 10 times the area, and the process will release 18 times more greenhouse gases.

When growing insects to feed people and animals, waste is generated – feces and residual exoskeletons. However, instead of getting rid of them, you can use them as an organic soil additive.
Scientists believe this will improve the soil microbiome and promote crop growth.

“An important component of insect secretion, chitin is a high molecular weight polysaccharide that is also found in the cell walls of fungi and the exoskeleton of many crustaceans. Soil additives containing chitin have been shown to promote plant growth.”

The researchers suggest that the additives can also control pests and attract pollinating insects.

Scientists expect that in the future this approach will lead to zero-waste production – insects will feed on crop litter, and their waste will go to fertilizer.


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