
What does a rapid heart rate during rest mean?

A heart rate of 55 to 90 beats per minute is considered normal. In some cases, heart palpitations can be an alarming symptom.

According to cardiologist Asya Khachirova, you do not need to worry about a racing heart after intense exercise. However, if resting tachycardia occurs, a physician should be consulted immediately.

The cardiologist explained: “This may be an individual reaction to something, or it may be a genetic phenomenon, or it may indicate the presence of a disease. Tachycardia, for example, can be a symptom of hyperthyroidism (a state of hyperthyroidism) “.

As noted by the doctor, atrial fibrillation may appear as a rapid pulse and such a disease can only be seen on examination.

The doctor added: “This is a serious, life-threatening disease, when the atria give out much more impulses than the ventricles can handle. There is a dissociation of the heartbeat, the atria stop contracting properly.”

According to the doctor, if the disease is detected early, doctors will be able to return the heart rhythm to normal.

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