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Foods and drinks that reduce appetite and aid weight loss

Foods and drinks that reduce appetite and aid weight loss…

When wanting to lose weight, it is desirable to include in the diet foods that contain a large amount of fiber, they saturate the body and reduce the production of the hormone responsible for the development of appetite.

According to nutritionists, to reduce the feeling of hunger, it is worth eating foods with a high content of water and chlorogenic acid, which promote weight loss.

It is worth including fresh cucumbers, Peking cabbage and celery in the diet. During the diet, vegetable soup will also relieve the feeling of constant hunger.

Vegetable soup contains a lot of water, which creates volume in the stomach, and the heat softens the walls of the stomach. Losing weight on such dishes is as easy as possible.

Experts also recommend eating a piece of whole wheat bread with soup. This combination will help to forget the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Eggs can also be eaten more often, as they will provide a long-lasting sensation of satiety.

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