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Egypt continues airdrops of relief aid into the northern Gaza Strip

Egypt continues airdrops of relief aid into the northern Gaza Strip

The Air Force continued carrying out daily air sorties throughout today and yesterday, to airdrop humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, in cooperation with the friendly and sister countries participating in the international coalition in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

This came in conjunction with the take-off of Egyptian and Emirati military transport aircraft from Al-Arish Airport; To carry out air drops of large quantities of food and relief aid to the northern Gaza Strip.


This is in continuation of the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, to provide the necessary support and assistance. To the Palestinian brothers in light of the humanitarian risks resulting from the continuation of the military operations on the Gaza Strip.

This comes from the pivotal role played by the Egyptian state in mobilizing the efforts of the international community to ensure that humanitarian aid reaches the Palestinian brothers inside the Gaza Strip.

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