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Humanitarians killed in Gaza: the Israeli army recognizes "serious mistake" and removes those responsible for the strike from their positions

Humanitarians killed in Gaza: the Israeli army recognizes "serious mistake" and removes those responsible for the strike from their positions

Cairo: Hani Kamal El-Din


The Israeli army recognizes “serious error” after the death of seven humanitarian workers in Gaza in a strike, according to the conclusions of the investigation that Radio France was able to consult on Friday April 5.

The findings indicate that “This incident should not have happened. Those who validated the strike were convinced that they were targeting armed members of Hamas and not humanitarian workers from the American charity World Central Kitchen.”

The strike against humanitarian vehicles results “a serious failure due to incorrect identification, errors in decision-making“, specifies the investigation. This is an attack “contrary to standard operating procedures.”

Still according to the conclusions of the investigation, the Israeli army decided to dismiss two officials from their positions. In addition to this, three other officials “will be formally reprimanded”. The Israeli army expresses its “deep sadness” for the victims and presents “his condolences to the families as well as to the humanitarian organization”. The army assures that it “will learn lessons from this incident”.

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