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The United Nations provides $12 million to those affected by violence in Haiti

The United Nations provides  million to those affected by violence in Haiti

United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths said that the United Nations Emergency Humanitarian Fund will provide financial assistance worth $12 million to people affected by the violence that broke out in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, in March.


According to a statement on the United Nations website, Griffiths said: “These funds will enable relief partners to reach the most affected people.”


Port-au-Prince has been intimidated by armed gangs, and last month, the gangs tightened their grip following a prison break, allowing thousands of criminals to escape.


He added that Allocations from the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund to provide food, water, protection, health care, sanitation and hygiene support to displaced people and host communities in the capital and in the neighboring province of Artibonite.


The United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs reported , OCHA, said that the situation remains tense, as attacks on health care facilities have exacerbated an already dire situation for people.

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