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Urgent.. Meteorology: a drop in temperatures, rain, and active winds today

Urgent.. Meteorology: a drop in temperatures, rain, and active winds today

The Egyptian Meteorological Department recently issued a notice confirming that today, Saturday, the country will witness a slight drop in temperatures in the north of the country and even in northern Upper Egypt, with hot weather prevailing during the day in Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, and northern Upper Egypt. Warm on the northern coasts and hot in South Sinai. And southern Upper Egypt. Meteorology indicated that light rain fell on areas of the northern coasts, Lower Egypt, and the Canal cities at intermittent periods.

Meteorology expects winds to be active in areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, the northwestern coasts, South Sinai, and the south of the country at intermittent periods.



The phenomena and weather forecast expected today, Saturday, April 6, 2024







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