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Movie review: ‘Strictly Confidential’ | MovieFone

Movie review: ‘Strictly Confidential’ |  MovieFone

Cairo: Zizi Abdel Ghaffar


(Center) Elizabeth Hurley in ‘Strictly Confidential’. Photo: Lionsgate.

In theaters, on digital and on demand on Friday, April 5, ‘Strictly Confidential’ marks the directorial debut of Damian Hurley, who to this point is probably best known for being Elizabeth Hurley’s son.

It’s an attempt to channel the kind of sensual thrillers that tormented audiences in theaters and on the lurid covers of titles sold in video stores in the 1980s and 1990s (kids, ask your parents). Unfortunately, while some of them became cult classics or crossover hits (like ‘Basic Instinct’ or ‘Body Heat’), ‘Strictly Confidential’, even then, would seem doomed to gather dust on a once-unloved shelf. The initial lascivious fascination with Elizabeth Hurley kissing a young girl died down. Shock value is one thing, but it’s largely wasted effort on that front.

Is ‘Strictly Confidential’ Hiding Some Fun Secrets?

Neither as daring as it might want to be, nor satisfying in other ways, ‘Strictly Confidential’ falls into the trap of appearing to push “vanity” into the “vanity project.” And not necessarily for the older Hurley, who is barely adorned with glory in this performance. You may long for the days when she leaned into her comedic side for films like ‘Austin Powers’ or the ‘Bedazzled’ remake, as despite being written and directed by her son, this is one of her worst films . And she appeared in 2004’s ‘Method.’

There is also the Nepo Baby smell in this one. Despite launching his career with the short film ‘The Boy on the Beach,’ young Hurley’s film debut seems like something that wouldn’t have been made if it weren’t for his mother’s presence as a producer or in the cast, and certainly not without she. accept seduction scenes that confuse the ridiculous with sensuality.

‘Strictly Confidential’: script and direction

(L-R) Elizabeth Hurley and director Damian Hurley talk about “Strictly Confidential.”

Written by the director apparently after bingeing on the type of films mentioned above, ‘Strictly Confidential’s script falls far short of almost all of them. And that’s saying something. This is less a coherent story than a series of scenes in which people say the subtext of the moment out loud or argue melodramatically with each other.

No cliché is left bare and the “revelations,” when they come, are far from exciting. When you have characters who supposedly know each other intimately repeating information that everyone should already know, it smacks of a filmmaker who isn’t sure his audience is getting the message. Or how human beings speak.

Hurley’s directorial eye doesn’t fare much better either. While he and his filmmaking team have managed to produce something where the shots are in focus and the boom mics are out of sight, there’s such a flat daytime soap opera (or, er, porn) style to the production that you’re distracted. for the beautiful landscapes of the Caribbean, which is undoubtedly more attractive than the places that many new filmmakers have to make do with in their dirty hometown. However, when you consider how many young authors have achieved great things from humble beginnings, ‘Strictly Confidential’ rarely, if ever, shows the same potential. That Hurley is expanding his filmography suggests a threat rather than a promise.

‘Strictly confidential’: proceedings

Elizabeth Hurley in ‘Strictly Confidential’. Photo: Lionsgate.

While Elizabeth Hurley is the big name draw here, no one should expect that name to affect next year’s Oscar ballots. As Lily, mother of the deceased Rebecca and her bitter sister Jemma (Genevieve Gaunt), she is asked to do little more than look good and deliver a “sad” monologue about her late husband and daughter that leads to an admission that she is has leaned toward cooking to help her cope with the pain. She is likely to inspire more laughter than tears.

The less said about the “sexy” interactions between her character and would-be seductress Natasha (Pear Chiravara), the better. Honestly, he’s more embarrassing to everyone involved and borders on parody.

Elsewhere, the cast for the most part isn’t called on to do much more than look good in swimsuits and try to sell the stilted dialogue. Georgia Lock, as Mia, primarily spends her time standing on the beach, staring at the ocean, or arguing with the various guys who try to flirt or comfort her.

Agi Nanjosi, as a therapist who influences the film later in the plot, has a bit more nuance to offer, but even she is hamstrung by the basic dialogue the script presents her with. This is not a production you think most of the cast will want to leave on their resumes.

‘Strictly Confidential’: Final Thoughts

Attractive settings aside, Hurley’s film doesn’t inspire much confidence. He brought together a group of beautiful people, some of whom can actually act, and made a movie that is basic in the most depressing and disappointing way.

“Must some secrets stay buried?” read the last line of the synopsis of this turgid and moribund affair that confuses sordidness with the development of the plot. There are definitely some movies that should be buried.

‘Strictly Confidential’ receives 4.5 out of 10 stars.

What is the story of ‘Strictly Confidential’?

Haunted by the suicide of her best friend, Rebecca (Lauren McQueen), a year ago, Mia (Georgia Lock) reluctantly accepts an invitation from Rebecca’s family to her home in the Caribbean, where her college friends are gathering. to commemorate Rebecca on the anniversary of her death.

Once on the island, Mia is plagued by suspicions that there is more to Rebecca’s death than meets the eye; Little by little, she learns that both Rebecca’s family and each of the guests are hiding a deadly secret, all with direct ties to Rebecca.

Mia delves into Rebecca’s past, desperate to find out what really happened that fateful day last summer. As more deceptions come to light, Mia is drawn into a world of sex, duplicity and betrayal. Despite the dangers lurking around every corner, Mia is relentless and determined to uncover the truth… But at what cost? Should some secrets remain buried?

Who is part of the cast of ‘Strictly Confidential’?

  • Elizabeth Hurley as Lily
  • Georgia Lock as Mia
  • Lauren McQueen as Rebecca
  • Freddie Thorp as James
  • Genevieve Gaunt as Jemma
  • Pera Chiravara as Natasha
  • Max Parker as Will

Elizabeth Hurley in ‘Strictly Confidential’. Photo: Lionsgate.

Other Elizabeth Hurley films:

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