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Weightlifting champion Nima Saeed reserves her place in the Paris Olympics

Weightlifting champion Nima Saeed reserves her place in the Paris Olympics

Nama Said, the Egyptian national weightlifting champion, has reserved her place in the 2024 Paris Olympics in the weightlifting competition with a weight of 71 kg, according to the international quota.


Karim Kahla, the Egyptian national team champion, was able to He won three silver medals in the World Cup in Weightlifting in Thailand in the 89 kg competitions, the 165 kg snatch, the 205 clean and jerk, and the 370 kg total.


Karim Kahla officially reserved his seat in the Olympics. Paris, according to the international quota.



Namaa Saeed, in the 71kg weight category, and Karim Kahla, in the weightlifting category from Egypt, are participating in the World Heavyweight Championship. 96 kg, Yasser Osama in the 102 kg category, Sarah Samir in the 81 kg category, Halima Abdel Azim in the 87+ kg category, and Abdel Rahman Muhammad in the 102+ kg category.


Egypt recently won unanimously from the Executive Office of the International Weightlifting Federation to organize the U-20 World Championships in 2026.


Egypt competed to host the event with many countries such as Norway, Bahrain and Argentina, and Egypt’s bid won. Hosting the tournament.

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