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A Foreign Office "anachronistic" And "elitist" : the British Foreign Office strongly criticized in the United Kingdom

A Foreign Office "anachronistic" And "elitist" : the British Foreign Office strongly criticized in the United Kingdom

Cairo: Hani Kamal El-Din


Is British diplomacy completely ‘has-been’? A report written by several senior UK diplomats says so. According to the authors of this text, the Foreign Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, keeps old habits which are now obsolete and does not understand the current times. This report of around ten pages was published Sunday April 7 on the UCL university website (University college of London).

According to international affairs experts, former ministerial advisers, chiefs of staff and ambassadors, the United Kingdom should “have more team spirit, demonstrate humility and respect”. The slap is violent, with a feeling of “greatness” judge “anachronistic” of a Great Britain now described as “middle power outside Europe”.

There is a lot to learn, they write again, from Norway, Canada or Japan, countries according to them comparable to today’s United Kingdom. This is where, according to the signatories of this text, future fruitful partnerships lie.

The text, which was repeated in numerous titles in the British press, including there BBC And THE Guardian, criticizes even the decor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and proposes to modernize the premises. The authors therefore recommend “fewer images from the colonial era on the walls”. It would not only be a symbol, but also a way of showing that the Foreign Office is looking ahead so as not to be “elitist and rooted in the past”.

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