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"Islamic resistance in Iraq" A warning to the United States and Israel

"Islamic resistance in Iraq" A warning to the United States and Israel

 Today, Friday, the “Islamic Resistance in Iraq” warned the United States and Israel against committing any “foolishness in Iraq or the Axis countries” by their forces, stressing that “its response will be direct wherever it reaches.”


In a statement, the “Islamic Resistance in Iraq” said: “Replacing the names of the American occupation at times with an alliance and at other times with a sustainable security partnership or other, is worthless as long as its occupying forces remain perched on The wounded chest of Iraq, it violates its sovereignty, violates its atmosphere, and controls the security decision in it, such as its control over joint operations and other security aspects, and it even increased the number of its occupying forces, which confirms that they have no intentions on the horizon to withdraw from the country.

The statement added: "American criminality is increasing day by day in its support for the Zionist entity, and we hold the Americans fully responsible if their forces or the entity commits any foolishness in Iraq or the Axis countries, as our response will be direct wherever our hands reach.

< p>It is worth noting that the Islamic Resistance factions in Iraq have previously claimed responsibility from time to time for bombing areas in Israel and American bases in Syria and Iraq in response to the Israeli war of genocide on the Gaza Strip.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq also warned the United States The United States stated that it “will increase the number of armed operations in response to Washington’s continued provision of military assistance to the Israeli army.”


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