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Taurus horoscope 2024: Your yearly horoscope predictions

Taurus horoscope 2024: Your yearly horoscope predictions

Your sign has had so much action over the last few years. It would be an excellent exercise to really begin this year by looking back at just how far you have come, specifically in the period of January 2022 to July 2023 when the Nodal axis and eclipses moved across your sign and Scorpio. This was a strong time period – how did it play out for you? Specifically in relationship to your own self-worth and value? As this Earthly expression of both Venus and her Greek counterpart, Aphrodite, your Sun sign is on this life journey of tangibly feeling your own worth and value and this grows and develops the more that you practically show yourself that you back yourself, and that you value and take care of yourself.

With Jupiter in your sign from last May until May 26th this year, you may have noted and felt an optimism and a more expansive sense of what is possible for you in life. By so beautifully building the daily/weekly life rituals that feed and nourish your experience of self, the optimism of ‘what can be’ feels more palpable and possible. Don’t skimp on the vision-casting at the start of the year. Sink into it and take a week or two to really envision how you want to feel and experience in the year ahead. With Jupiter as your ally, your horizons are widening.

Uranus, the electric, new wave planet and ruler of Aquarius, continues its eight year journey through your sign (until April 2026) and we can see how much this transit is influencing the realms of finance and farming; two areas that your sign collectively represents. Uranus is the liberator, bringing left-of-field changes to a sign that, traditionally, would like to know what the next twenty years will look like. Take note of how this energy is presenting itself in your world; this may be new ways of seeing, feeling more agile and less rooted and fixed in your ways.

Uranus and Jupiter will be conjunct (aligned) each other from the 20th February until 26th May, and the more present you are in your body, the more you can use this transit to call in the new. That could look like asking to see the next iteration of whatever area of life is currently interesting to you. This combo of planets feels almost off-world in terms of being tapped into this very expansive realm of ideas and possibilities, like an access point to the future zeitgeist.

Venus and the Sun will also be in the mix for most of your birthday season too, it feels like cosmic Valium. The North Node in Aries for all of this year will be a boon for you. It’s this renewed sense of action energy, the initiating force to make moves towards more of what you want. Part of your beauty is that you always go at your own pace. This transit will simply light a helpful fire under you to ignite more movement towards your desires.


Want to understand why the zodiac signs are the way they are? Look no further than our comprehensive guide to the personality traits of each zodiac sign.


Left: BOTTEGA VENETA top; TIFFANY & CO. necklace. Right: BOTTEGA VENETA dress; TIFFANY & CO. necklace.
FASHION Charlotte Agnew
MODELS Caitlin Murphy, Omalo Jongkuch @ Priscillas, Lily-Grace Yimer @ Rin Models, Mimi Manguy @ CHIC Management
SET DESIGN Seamus Phelan and Phoebe Cutler
@ Flowers of Marmion Street (FOMS)
LOCATION Debut Studio
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