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In the presence of Haniyeh… a leadership meeting that includes the leaders of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front

In the presence of Haniyeh… a leadership meeting that includes the leaders of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front

The leaders of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front held an “important” meeting, which included the head of the Hamas Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Popular Front, Jamil Mezher, and the Deputy Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad, Dr. Muhammad al-Hindi, in addition to a number of leaders of the three forces.


The attendees praised “the legendary steadfastness, solid will, and determination of the Palestinian people, which proved to the world that they are invincible, unbreakable, and never relent.” Despite the war of genocide they are facing, carried out by the Israeli occupation.”

The attendees discussed “the efforts made to stop the aggression and achieve immediate, complete and comprehensive withdrawal, the release of heroic prisoners, and ways to alleviate the suffering of our people, and strengthen the steadfastness of the internal front against The arrogance and racism of the occupation.”

The attendees stressed “the necessity of developing national and field work to abort the occupation’s plans and achieve the goals of our people and their aspirations for freedom, independence and return.”

The attendees praised “the brave, heroic performance of all the brigades.” The resistance and the cohesion of its field unit, at the forefront of which are the Al-Qassam Brigades, the Al-Quds Brigades, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, and the rest of the resistance brigades, which taught the enemy and are still teaching a lesson they will never forget, and presented to the world a new model in conflict management, and their insistence on continuing to confront aggression.”

The attendees discussed “the necessity of national communication in order to strengthen the unity of the Palestinian people, and to exploit this legendary steadfastness to reflect positively on the structure of the inclusive Palestinian national institution, and on the leadership and tools of the political system and joint Palestinian national action.”

The attendees directed “Greetings to the masses of our people in steadfast Gaza, Jerusalem, the occupied West Bank, and the occupied interior since 1948, as well as the masses of our people in the diaspora.”

The meeting also addressed the conditions of prisoners in the occupation prisons, stressing the demand of our people to reach a deal. A serious and honorable exchange.

The attendees praised the role of the Arab masses in supporting the struggle of our people and the free people in the cities and capitals of the world, and in the universities, who rose to support our people and the justice of our cause, and in defense of humanity in the face of the hideous war of extermination run by the global colonial system.< /p>

The attendees also paid tribute to the supporting resistance fronts, from Lebanon to Yemen, and from Syria, Iraq and Iran, in their insistence on deterring aggression against our people.

It was agreed to continue and expand consultations with the rest of the Palestinian factions. inside and outside.  

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