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Sherif El-Erian: India and Qatar are Egypt’s most prominent competitors in hosting the 2036 Olympics

Sherif El-Erian: India and Qatar are Egypt’s most prominent competitors in hosting the 2036 Olympics

Engineer Sherif El-Erian, Secretary General of the Egyptian Olympic Committee, President of the Egyptian Modern Pentathlon Federation, and Vice-President of the International Federation, spoke about Egypt’s submission of an application to host the 2036 Olympic Games.

Sherif El-Erian said: “Which country will host the Olympics?” It needs 7 years of work before the course begins, and a plan is drawn up for everything that will happen during each year, and the number of people who will work on this file.


He continued: “There are about 10 countries want to host the 2036 Olympic Games, and both Mexico and Poland withdrew from this race and this was based on the recommendation of the International Olympic Committee because they are not ready to host this major event.


He added: “There are many dimensions to hosting the tournament, and the most important dimension is dealing with the file of Egypt hosting the 2036 Olympics. It is Africa’s file, not just Egypt, as the African continent is the only one that has never hosted an adult Olympics.“.


He concluded: “All African countries have confirmed their support for Egypt’s bid to host the Olympics, and the strongest competitors in this bid are the countries of India and Qatar.”

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