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Kyle Sandilands slams The Project’s Steve Price over his criticism of shock jock’s Melbourne debut: ‘He is an expert on failure’

Kyle Sandilands slams The Project’s Steve Price over his criticism of shock jock’s Melbourne debut: ‘He is an expert on failure’

Kyle Sandilands has come out swinging at media personality Steve Price over his criticism of The Kyle And Jackie O Show’s Melbourne debut this week. 

The Sydney-based radio show launched with a bang in Melbourne on Monday, with shock jocks Sandilands and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson making plenty of X-rated comments including a profane opener about sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 

Price, 69, who is known for his conservative point of view, didn’t hold back as he slammed the broadcast on Monday night’s edition of The Project.

‘That garbage you put to air this morning, sexualised rubbish. Toxic, and nobody should listen to it,’ Price ranted, adding: ‘And you will be a massive failure in Melbourne.’ 

Responding on-air during Tuesday’s Kyle And Jackie O Show, Sandilands, 52, questioned whether Price really meant his harsh words or whether he was putting on a nasty persona for the camera. 

Kyle Sandilands, 52, (pictured) has come swinging at media personality Steve Price, 69, (right) over his criticism of The Kyle And Jackie O Show's Melbourne debut this week

Kyle Sandilands, 52, (left) has come out swinging at media personality Steve Price, 69, (right) over his criticism of The Kyle And Jackie O Show’s Melbourne debut this week

‘Does he mean what he says, or is he just full of s***?’ Sandilands pondered. 

‘That’s why I won’t go on these on these old grandma’s podcasts. He’s paid to be on The Project, to be opinionated. So, he amps it,’ he added. 

He also hit back at Price’s predictions about The Kyle And Jackie O Show’s future ‘failure’ in Melbourne by taking aim at the commentator’s own radio career.

The Sydney-based radio show launched with a bang in Melbourne on Monday, with shock jocks Sandilands and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson (right) making plenty of X-rated comments including a profane opener about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) 

‘By the way, [Price]is someone that knows about failure. Because I think the last breakfast show he did in Melbourne pulled a 2.6. 2.6, bro,’ Sandilands taunted. 

‘You meet more people at the servo filling up fuel. So, he is the expert on failure.’

During his rant on The Project, Price also revealed that Sandilands had sent him a ‘threatening message’ the last time he had publicly accused the radio king of being ‘grubby buffoon’. 

Sandilands hit back at Price’s predictions about The Kyle And Jackie O Show’s future ‘failure’ in Melbourne by taking aim at the commentator’s own radio career 

‘Do it again, Kyle!’ Price challenged him, before accusing Sandilands of having the ‘intellect of a cumquat.’

Sandilands didn’t deny the accusation, instead playing an audio clip of the message in question on-air during Tuesday’s broadcast. 

‘Hey you piece of s**t, we’ve spoken before. Last time you forgot that you’re not allowed to mouth off about me,’ Sandilands could be heard saying.    

 During his rant on The Project, Price also revealed that Sandilands had sent him a ‘threatening message’ the last time he had publicly accused the radio king of being ‘grubby buffoon’. Sandilands didn’t deny the accusation, instead playing an audio clip of the message in question on-air during Tuesday’s broadcast

‘I can’t wait to see you face to face, buddy. It’s been too long. It’s disappointing, as you get older, you’ve just turned into a real piece of s**t. Feel free to play this on tonight’s Project, since that’s the last gig that you’ll ever have. See you, mate!’

It comes after Melburnians flocked to Instagram to voice their opinions on The Kyle And Jackie O Show’s local debut, with some left disgusted by the overtly sexual content, while others found it a welcome change to their usual local breakfast radio offerings. 

One disgruntled listener said: ‘Well, is your content really suitable for school drop off, no kid has to be exposed to so much sexual content!’ 

It comes after Melburnians flocked to Instagram to voice their opinions on The Kyle And Jackie O Show’s local debut, with some left disgusted by the overtly sexual content, while others found it a welcome change to their usual local breakfast radio offerings

Another wrote: ‘Someone get Kyle off the show. He is one of the biggest clowns out.’ 

A third said they hoped Kyle and Jackie O would fail in Melbourne writing beneath their debut ‘We’re Live’ post: ‘Hopefully not for long.’ 

‘Turn over at 7.45 with kids in the car and Kyle was taking about Jackie’s sex life… No thanks… back to Jase and Lauren,’ one person said, referencing the former KIIS FM Melbourne breakfast hosts who were forced to jump to Nova to save their jobs. 

Melburnians flocked to Instagram to voice their opinions on the shocking Sydney show, with many left disgusted by the overtly sexual content 

However, others thought it was a welcome change to the usual breakfast radio airing in the city

Not everyone in Melbourne was aggrieved by The Kyle and Jackie O Show, with many also chiming in to express their love as they welcomed the radio duo to the city.

One avid fan wrote: ‘YESSSSSSSSS! The King & Queen have arrived! WOO HOOOOO! xxxx.’

‘Best 6am show opener ever!’ another said, while someone else added: ‘Welcome to Melbourne, love it!’

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