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'Ashamed' Finlayson remorseful for homophobic slur

'Ashamed' Finlayson remorseful for homophobic slur

Port Adelaide forward Jeremy Finlayson rues the lapse of care and consideration that led him to level a homophobic slur towards an opposition player.

Earlier this month, the AFL announced it was investigating a homophobic slur made by Finlayson and directed at an Essendon player during the third quarter of the sides’ round-four encounter at Gather Round.

The slur was reportedly picked up on the on-field umpires’ microphones but Finlayson subsequently self-reported the incident to the club.

“Every day I wish I could take it all back,” Finlayson told The Age.

“It’s hard to talk about even now, and I don’t know who I’ve hurt or how many people. I have family members who are gay and friends who are gay.

“I’ve reached out to them all to try to explain I just said something so wrong in the heat of the moment.”

Finlayson became the first AFL player to be suspended for using a homophobic slur, receiving a three-week ban.

The 28-year-old professed the days following the incident had been “muted”, compelling him to reflect on his behaviour and attempt to make amends for the harm he had caused others.

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