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"Euro-Mediterranean": There is no home in the Gaza Strip that is free of hepatitis

"Euro-Mediterranean": There is no home in the Gaza Strip that is free of hepatitis

The Director of Strategies at the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Observatory, Maha Al-Husseini, said that there is no home in the Gaza Strip that has not been infected with hepatitis; Due to the lack of healthy water and means of prevention in the Gaza Strip.


Al-Husseini added, during a phone call with the “Cairo” channel: Al-Akhbariya reported on Tuesday that there is a significant shortage of potable water in the Gaza Strip, which has reached almost complete absence, stressing at the same time that most of the displaced people in Palestinian Rafah live without the basic necessities of life.

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Observatory had warned Previously, there is an increasing risk of the spread of infectious and deadly diseases in the Gaza Strip, especially the sick, wounded, and children, in light of the health catastrophe exacerbated by the continuing crime of genocide committed by the Israeli occupation.

The Observatory stressed that the right to access water is a recognized human right. It is internationally recognized and can only be achieved through serious intervention by the international community to stop the crime of genocide, lift the siege, and oblige the occupation to bring in the aid, fuel, and materials necessary to restart the infrastructure and work to save what can be saved in the sector, which has become unviable at all levels, warning that every A day of delay would bring the sector to the point of no return, and lead to a heavy cost in civilian lives and health.  

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