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Reem Al Hashemi: Our strategic relations with India are historic and well-established

Reem Al Hashemi: Our strategic relations with India are historic and well-established

Delhi, April 30 / WAM / Her Excellency Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemi, Minister of State for International Cooperation, headed a high-level state delegation to the friendly Republic of India during its visit on April 29 and 30, to strengthen bilateral relations in light of the strategic partnership between the two friendly countries.

Her Excellency Reem Al Hashemi met in the Indian capital, New Delhi, with His Excellency Dr. Subramaniam Jaishankar, Indian Minister of External Affairs. During the meeting, bilateral relations and prospects for strengthening them in various fields were discussed.

The current developments in the region and their repercussions on regional and international peace and security were also discussed, in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Abdel Nasser Al Shaali, the UAE Ambassador to the Republic of India.

The UAE delegation attended a meeting hosted by His Excellency Vinay Kwatra, Undersecretary of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, and the two sides discussed bilateral cooperation between the two countries in several fields, including economic, trade, development, culture, scientific and technological progress, and aviation. Views were also exchanged regarding a number of regional and international issues.

The two sides discussed a number of files of common interest, related to the agenda of the BRICS and the G20, and ways to enhance cooperation between the UAE and the friendly Republic of India within the framework of international forums.

During the meeting, Her Excellency Reem Al Hashemi noted that the UAE celebrates on May 1 the second anniversary of the entry into force of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between the two countries, and that the agreement has achieved a qualitative leap in the growth of the volume of intra-oil non-oil trade by 19% between 2021 and 2023.

Her Excellency Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemi also visited the National Crafts Museum, where Her Excellency praised the collection of models displayed in the museum of various crafts collected over the decades from various states of India.

Her Excellency expressed the importance of the role of cultural exchange in promoting mutual respect and understanding between societies.

Her Excellency stressed that the exceptional achievements achieved in bilateral relations call for more successes to achieve common goals between the two friendly countries and their people.

Her Excellency pointed out that the UAE’s strategic relationship with the friendly Republic of India is historic and well-established, and the visit confirms the depth of those relations.

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