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Dozens of people were detained at May Day protests in Europe

Dozens of people were detained at May Day protests in Europe

In France, the Ministry of the Interior reported that 120 thousand demonstrators took to the streets in different cities to voice their demands on the government. Dozens of people were detained, reports the Euronews channel, which published a review of May Day protests in Europe.

In Paris, police counted 18 thousand demonstrators, among them opponents of Israel’s participation in the Olympic Games. Rallies took place in Nice, Marseille, Strasbourg, Clermont-Ferrand, and Lyon. More than twenty people were detained in these cities. The slogans of the actions organized by the leading trade unions in France were: against austerity, for employment and wages.

Police in Istanbul used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse people trying to break through barriers to get to the main Taksim square. At least 210 people were detained, the head of the Turkish Interior Ministry said.

The BBC, publishing a gallery of photographs from the May 1st celebrations, places a photograph of a “worker and a collective farmer” performed by actors with a hammer and sickle – behind them the new Russian slogan is clearly visible: “May Labor is cool” – instead of the traditional “Peace of Labor May” . A number of telegram channels and media outlets previously noted that the word “peace” in Russia is practically not used in the official May Day context.

In Brussels, demonstrators demanded higher taxes on the rich.

In Athens, several thousand transport workers joined May Day marches. The largest transport union has demanded a return to basic labor rights that were violated during the 2010-18 financial crisis. Pro-Palestinian activists unfurled a huge Palestinian flag.

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