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The Ministry of National Education restricts teachers’ overtime

The Ministry of National Education restricts teachers’ overtime

In order to make savings, the Ministry of National Education asked rectors to eliminate a third of the hours relating to particular missions, reported the daily newspapers The echoes And The world, Wednesday April 1st. The French government has recorded savings of ten billion euros in a decree, including nearly 700 million euros for National Education.

The authorities announced by email to management staff that“in application of the decree (…) of February 21 canceling credits, a measure to reduce overtime allocations and compensation for special missions has been notified”reports The worldto whom the Ministry of National Education specifies that all French academies are concerned.

Different measures can be affected, such as academic support or even “homework done”, depending on The echoes. “We have at this stage positioned around 5% cancellation on overtime allocation based on homework done”specifies the Ministry of National Education to France Télévisions.

The reduction in expenditure concerns the whole of 2024 but certain rectorates have taken measures which will have consequences from the month of May, reports Sophie Vénétitay, the general secretary of SNES-FSU.

“The idea is to weigh as little as possible on the start of the 2024 school year, so they are looking for savings at the end of the school year”summarizes a manager close to the matter in the columns of the World. National Education “is so broken that it is impossible to make any more savings, all this to the defiance of both staff and students”judge Sophie Vénétitay.

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