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10 Palestinians were martyred in an Israeli bombing of Gaza.. and"International cuisine" He resumes his work in the sector

10 Palestinians were martyred in an Israeli bombing of Gaza.. and"International cuisine" He resumes his work in the sector

Ten Palestinians, including a child, were martyred, and others were injured, Thursday evening, as a result of Israeli occupation aircraft bombing that targeted several locations in the Gaza Strip. Medical sources and the civil defense sector said that 5 people, including a child, were killed as a result of the Israeli warplane’s bombardment on a group of citizens in the Bureij camp in the central Gaza Strip. They were subsequently transferred to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the city of Deir al-Balah.

A warplane was targeted. An Israeli air force gathered another gathering in the Al-Nafaq Street area in Gaza City, which resulted in the death of 3 people and the wounding of others, all of whom were taken to the Baptist Hospital.

Two men were martyred in a raid carried out by Israeli occupation aircraft on the Al-Salam neighborhood, east of the city of Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip.

According to the latest statistics published today, the death toll in the Gaza Strip has risen to 34,596, the majority of whom are children and women, since the start of the Israeli occupation aggression on the seventh of last October. The death toll has also risen to 77,816, knowing that these numbers It does not include thousands of victims under the rubble.

The “Global Central Kitchen” resumed His work in the Gaza Strip today, providing food to the poor who have been suffering from the scourge of the Israeli war that has been going on for seven months. 

Zakaria Yahya Abu Kwaik, director of the kitchen supported by the “World Central Kitchen” organization, said: The non-profit organization, while his team prepared food for displaced Palestinians in Rafah: “We realized after the kitchen closed that many mouths remained hungry.”

The non-governmental organization had suspended its operations after seven of its employees of different nationalities were killed, In an Israeli air strike early last month. 


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