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Champions League: three reasons for hope for PSG before the semi-final return against Borussia Dortmund

Champions League: three reasons for hope for PSG before the semi-final return against Borussia Dortmund

And off we go again. As against FC Barcelona in the quarter-finals, Paris Saint-Germain is in an unfavorable position before its return match against Borussia Dortmund next Tuesday. To experience a second Champions League final, the Parisians will have no other choice than to win at the Parc des Princes. They have a goal to overcome, a delay which could be enough to eliminate them, but which can be quickly filled.

“The locker room is a little affected because we hit both posts in the same action”, admitted Luis Enrique directly, at the microphone of Canal+. But his speech followed in the footsteps of the one he gave between the two shocks against Barça. “We have nothing left to lose. We are going to get this result”he assured a few minutes later at a press conference.

For the first time since the 2021 quarter-final against Bayern Munich – which saw PSG qualify – the capital club has the chance to host for the return match. This is a significant advantage.

Since the abolition of the rule separating two teams tied by the number of away goals scored, during the 2021-2022 season, 58% of teams in this situation in the final phase of the Champions League (beaten by a goal away gap in the first leg) ended up qualifying (7/12).

“At home, with our supporters, it’s going to be a different scenario”, noted Captain Marquinhos at the microphone of Canal+. The celebration will be even stronger as the public at the Park will experience its first C1 semi-final in 29 years and the elimination against AC Milan in 1995.

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