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Father accused of forcing son, 6, to run on treadmill until he collapsed only knew him a year

Father accused of forcing son, 6, to run on treadmill until he collapsed only knew him a year

A man accused of murdering his six-year-old son after allegedly making him run increasingly faster on a treadmill because he was “too fat” had reportedly met him for the first time just one year prior.

Christopher Gregor, 31, found out about his child, Corey Micciolo, for the first time when he was sued over “child support,” his attorneys claimed.

Investigators say Corey suffered traumatic injuries – including a final blow to the heart just hours before his death – which are believed to stem from chronic child abuse from his father.

A shocking video played in court at the New Jersey trial, which began this week, allegedly showed Mr Gregor standing by a treadmill watching the youngster run, turning the machine faster and faster. At multiple points, the boy falls off the treadmill onto the floor and is picked up, unwillingly, by Mr Gregor and put back on.

The court heard that it was unclear when Mr Gregor and Corey’s mother, Breanna Micciolo, first met, however, he was reportedly not in the child’s life until he reached five. The youngster was described as “silly” by his mother and liked the solar system and playing outside.

In his opening statement, defence attorney Mario Gallucci said that in 2017, Mr Gregor was studying for a master’s degree at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

“He was also employed by Urban Teachers, which was a company that employed people to teach in urban areas, when he found out he was being sued for child support for a child he had never met, nor did he know he fathered,” Mr Gallucci said.

Referring to the video that was yet to be played, he added: “At some point, you’re gonna see Christopher, go to that treadmill and speed it up. And you’re gonna see Corey fall. And you’re gonna see him pick that boy up six times and put him back on the treadmill.

“And I’m gonna tell you right now you’re not gonna like him. And I don’t care if you like him.

“When you see that video, you are going to be horrified. You’re going to be mortified. But I’m telling you right now that the evidence you’re going to see… his death had absolutely nothing to do with that treadmill.”

Ms Micciolo reportedly burst into tears as she watched her son allegedly abused by his father in the clip, as she became the first witness to take the stand, testifying about text message exchanges between her and Mr Gregor.

The footage obtained by Court TV and filmed on 20 March 2021, shows the little boy forced to run increasingly faster on the exercise equipment as his dad sharply steepened the incline. Unable to keep up with the conveyor belt beneath, Corey’s legs buckled and he fell to the floor.

Mr Gregor was allegedly filmed picking up his son, whose legs appeared increasingly weary to the extent that he struggled to stay upright. However, the dad forced him back on the machine. The father then appears to “bite” his son – which was also noted on the arrest warrant – on the top of his head before finally decreasing the machine’s speed and incline.

Ms Micciolo, who shared custody of her son with Mr Gregor, allegedly reported the boy’s injuries to the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency just days before his death, she told the court.

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