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Intense security deployment inside a California university to prevent a clash between students who support Palestine and Israel

Intense security deployment inside a California university to prevent a clash between students who support Palestine and Israel

 Hundreds of police officers were deployed inside the UCLA campus. In the US state of California, today, Thursday, in preparation for removing the tents set up by pro-Palestinian demonstrators after they were attacked by pro-Israel demonstrators.


The pro-Palestinian demonstrators remained in their places despite police orders. to leave the campus immediately, while other students gathered outside the campus in support of their colleagues, waving Palestinian flags, according to what was reported by the “Al-Hurra” channel.  


On a related level, students at the University of Madison in the American state of Wisconsin set up new tents to support the Palestinians instead of the ones that the police removed, while the police stormed the headquarters of the student sit-ins in The university arrested a number of them. 


For its part, the university administration said that it summoned the police because setting up tents on campus “is against the laws.”


The police forces ended the student sit-ins at Columbia University and were able to remove the sit-ins.


The city mayor, Eric Adams, said in a press conference – The New York authorities will continue to protect the city from the intruders whom he accused of trying to spread extremist ideas, according to his description.

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