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Secretary of the organization of the Generation Party: The Union of Arab Tribes is a strong supporter of the principles of the Egyptian state

Secretary of the organization of the Generation Party: The Union of Arab Tribes is a strong supporter of the principles of the Egyptian state

Dr. Ahmed Mohsen Qassem, Secretary of the Organization of the Democratic Generation Party, confirmed that the establishment of the Union of Arab Tribes is the inauguration of a new phase of support for the national entities of the Egyptian state within a unified regulatory framework for those entities and tribes, indicating that they represent an additional strength for the Egyptian state in facing challenges. And the dangers that the region is going through, especially in light of the ongoing conflict on all strategic axes, especially our northern borders.


Mohsen added, in press statements today, that the Union of Arab Tribes It will enhance the approach of the Sinai tribes in preserving the constants of the Egyptian state and supporting and protecting its national security, which is the role that the Arab tribes have played over recent years, indicating that this support and integration between the comprehensive powers of the Egyptian state and the soft power of the Arab tribes made Sinai turn into a A huge development area after the success in eliminating terrorism.



The secretary of the organization of the Democratic Generation Party mentioned the path that the Egyptian state and the tribes took. Arab side by side, it will continue and be strengthened with this new organizational entity, which unites the ranks of the Arab tribes to confront any threats witnessed by the region, and it will also be an arm in the development witnessed by the Land of Turquoise.


< p>Ahmed Mohsen Qassem stressed the importance of the timing in which he announced the establishment of the Union of Arab Tribes, as it gives strong indications of the unification of the ranks of the nation’s people behind the Egyptian countries, stressing that this will enhance Egypt’s confrontation with any threats.

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