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A Saudi delegation visits the Plant Protection Institute to exchange research experiences

A Saudi delegation visits the Plant Protection Institute to exchange research experiences

Dr. Ahmed Abdel Majeed, Director of the Plant Protection Research Institute, confirmed the possibility of exchanging experts and researchers between the Institute and the National Center for Prevention in Saudi Arabia, within the framework of protocols signed between the governments of the two countries, to participate in research programs to develop new strategies for combating plant pests, raising bumblebees, and inventorying and classifying pests.< /p>


Dr. Ahmed Abdel Majeed, Director of the Institute, said that – during a visit by a delegation from the Saudi National Center for Prevention to the Plant Protection Research Institute today, “Saturday”, the visit included an inspection of the biological agents production laboratory. To combat organic farm pests and the economic pest control component with attractants.


The Saudi delegation expressed great interest in the techniques used to control plant pests in natural ways to enhance agricultural production and protect the environment instead of relying on chemical pesticides.


The delegation also inspected the central laboratory and the bioassessment laboratory to learn about their effective role in supporting research work inside or outside the institute, and the Saudi delegation expressed its admiration for the efforts made to support scientific research and innovation. The delegation visited the Egyptian Insect Reference Museum in the Department of Inventory and Classification Research as a major database for insects in the Middle East and Africa, which specializes in collecting and analyzing information and determining the degree of threat posed by pests to agricultural crops and the environment, and developing appropriate strategies to control them, as well as the accurate visual classification laboratory in the department to learn about Its role in identifying insects to protect crops from local, invasive, or imported pests as a result of trade exchange.

The delegation ended its tour by visiting the honey bee pests and diseases laboratory, and the honey bee products analysis laboratory in the honey bee research department at the institute, where the delegation learned about the objectives of Laboratories and their equipment and their important role in developing quality control programs for bee products to verify their compliance with Egyptian standard specifications, early diagnosis of bee diseases, and control of pests that affect bees and threaten their sustainability.


This was done during a visit The Saudi delegation discussed issues of common interest and exchange expertise and experiences in the field of plant health and plant protection, and the outputs provided by the Institute to achieve integrated pest management management programs.  

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