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his little ritual criticized in the dressing room before each show (and his refusal to party without it)

his little ritual criticized in the dressing room before each show (and his refusal to party without it)

While she spent an entire week at the heart of a lively controversy because of her ill-placed joke to Artus about alcohol, Léa Salamé had already had the opportunity to discuss her own relationship with drinking. ..

What an era!“… This is clearly what we could say following this new controversy widely fueled on social networks. Since Saturday April 27, Léa Salamé has been at the heart of criticism because of her little joke made to the comedian and actor Artus.

Invited on the set of her flagship show broadcast on France 2 in the second part of the evening, the 44-year-old host made comments considered inappropriate by health professionals and fans of unnecessary controversies while she gave her opinion to the actor and director of the film A little something extrawho stopped drinking alcohol and lost a lot of weight. “You are no longer anxious, but you have become annoying”, she had said. She herself is an alcohol lover…

Léa Salamé pro alcohol: her ritual before going on air

Like an artist who goes on stage, the host and journalist Léa Salamé has her own ritual before entering the set for her show broadcast on Saturday evenings on France 2. The least we can say is that ‘he is original ! If stage fright is no longer really part of her daily life due to rubbing shoulders with the biggest public figures, the partner of European member Raphaël Glucksmann – candidate for his re-election – and mother of a 6-year-old Gabriel still drinks “a splash of vodka” behind the scenes “because it relaxes me”, she admitted to Éric Dussart’s microphone on RTL in September 2023.

A well-established ritual brought by her hairdresser Cyril, at her side for 10 years, It’s so natural, it’s like makeup.” Obviously, following this exchange, Léa Salamé wanted to warn about the consumption of alcoholic beverages, recalling “Alcohol is not good.” Moreover, she could apologize in the show on Saturday May 4, 2024…

Léa Salamé and her remarks on alcohol: before Artus, there was Gad Elmaleh…

While Léa Salamé therefore found that Artus had become “tiresome“by stopping drinking alcohol, his remark earned him the unexpected support of Pascal Praud.”She played with her guest (….) Instead of laughing about all that, we get to a moralistic discussion about alcohol (…), that’s not the issue“, he blurted out on Europe 1 to defend it.

But, with social networks, nothing is forgotten and Internet users have unearthed another interview with Léa Salamé, this time on France Inter. While she received the comedian Gad Elmaleh, she had already made divisive comments on her famous guest’s cessation of alcohol. “Today, the party is no less beautiful? Are you able to party, to be happy?“, she asked him, visibly incapable of thinking that we can have fun without drinking. While he answered in the affirmative and suggested that she try, Léa Salamé then blurted out, “No“definitive.

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