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Pope Tawadros II sends a pastoral message to the Copts in the diaspora, translated into 24 different languages

Pope Tawadros II sends a pastoral message to the Copts in the diaspora, translated into 24 different languages

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria, Patriarch of the See of Mark, sent the papal message that he sends annually to his children in the diaspora on the occasion of the glorious Resurrection, within the framework of supporting communication between the Coptic Orthodox Church and its children who are located in all parts of the world.


Priest Musa Ibrahim, spokesman for the Coptic Orthodox Church, said in a statement today that the message was translated into 24 different languages ​​to suit the breadth of the countries in which the Coptic Orthodox Church serves and the languages ​​spoken by its people.


He added that His Holiness Pope Tawadros II addressed in his pastoral letter the verse contained in the Gospel of the Apostle Mark, “Who will roll away the stone for us?” (Mark 16:3) Pointing out that the stone is similar to many of the problems that face us daily and before which we stand saying: “Who will roll away the stone for us?” Likewise, the human self stands like a heavy stone that hinders the person. His Holiness the Pope pointed out that the Maryams were not prevented by the stone from going to the grave, praising their diligence, which made them test the hand of God that lifted the stone.

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