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Tesla vs. Tesla Power: Legal battle escalates in New Delhi Court

Tesla vs. Tesla Power: Legal battle escalates in New Delhi Court

Details of the proceedings, revealed on the Delhi High Court’s website, indicate that Tesla has accused the Indian company, Tesla Power India Pvt Ltd, of continuing to advertise its products under the “Tesla Power” brand, despite receiving a cease and desist notice in 2019. April 2022.

During the court hearing, Tesla Power India Pvt Ltd defended its position, asserting that its core business revolves around the production of lead-acid batteries and it has no intention of venturing into the electric vehicle space.

The judge presiding over the court gave the Indian company three weeks to submit written responses after it submitted a set of supporting documents in its defence.

Tesla, which was incorporated in Delaware, accused the Indian company of using the brand names “Tesla Power” and “Tesla Power USA”. The court record included screenshots of a website indicating the existence of Tesla Power USA LLC, headquartered in Delaware, and its alleged achievements in the battery sector, especially in India.

In response, a Tesla Power representative confirmed that the company had been operating in India long before Elon Musk’s Tesla entered the market and reiterated that it had obtained all necessary government approvals. “We have never claimed to be connected to Elon Musk’s Tesla,” Tesla Power’s Manoj Pahwa explained.

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