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Nashat El Omda: President Sisi has consolidated the concept of national unity in a practical and unprecedented way

Nashat El Omda: President Sisi has consolidated the concept of national unity in a practical and unprecedented way

MP Mohamed Nashaat Al-Omda, a member of the House of Representatives and Secretary of the Mostaqbal Watan Party in Minya, congratulated Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria, Patriarch of the See of Mark, and the Coptic brothers, on the occasion of the glorious Resurrection Day, saying: The holidays of the Christian brothers are holidays for all the Egyptian people as they are one fabric and will remain. In Rabat until the Day of Resurrection.


Nashat Al-Omda stressed that the unity of Egyptians will remain the symbol of progress towards progress and prosperity, sending with our unity and peace a message to the world that the Egyptian state is strong and united by the unity of its authentic people. Which will remain in bond, cohesion and national unity and move together towards the new republic.


MP Mohamed Nashat Al-Omda pointed out that Egyptian history has recorded much and much national cohesion between the Muslim and Coptic elements of the nation who They lived in love and a state of brotherhood prevailed, for all Egyptians were linked by a unique national relationship that no one would disturb, no matter how hard they tried.


The Upper Egypt MP concluded his speech by highlighting the unprecedented state of national cohesion created by the new republic. Pointing out that President Sisi has practically established the concept of national unity on the ground

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