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The UAE is a model of diversity and coexistence… a symposium with a pavilion "Muslim sages" in "Abu Dhabi Book"

ABU DHABI, 5 May / WAM / The Muslim Council of Elders’ pavilion at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair organized a symposium entitled “The Emirates is a Model of Diversity and Coexistence,” presented by Bishop Paolo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar in the South Arabian Peninsula, and Dr. Zikr Al-Rahman, President of the Arab Cultural Center. Al-Hindi, Dr. Mahmoud Najah, Imam of the Imam Al-Tayeb Mosque in the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi, Surinder Singh Kandhari, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Guru Nanak Darbar Sikh Temple in Dubai, and Bishop Mesrop Sargsyan, Bishop of the Armenian Church in the United Arab Emirates.

The symposium discussed the UAE as a leading global model in consolidating the values ​​of tolerance, love, peace and peaceful coexistence.

Bishop Paolo Martinelli praised the efforts of the Council of Muslim Elders in building bridges of dialogue and communication between different religions and cultures, spreading the noble and lofty values ​​of the Document on Human Fraternity, highlighting the pioneering models in consolidating these values, and organizing this symposium that includes a group of various religious symbols and leaders that confirm that all… Religions can cooperate meaningfully and constructively for the sake of humanity.

He expressed his happiness at being present in the UAE, which hosted the signing of the most important document in modern history, which is the Document on Human Fraternity. Where every individual residing in the country lives its values ​​and principles, they witness the wisdom of the Emirati leadership, which is embodied in the culture of tolerance, respect and coexistence, and has been firmly entrenched in the fabric of the country since its beginnings. Differences between individuals are not considered an obstacle to unity, but rather are a rich source of diversity and interdependence that paves the way towards a society. Enjoy peace and brotherhood.

Dr. Mahmoud Najah said that the UAE and its wise leadership have adopted the values ​​of peaceful coexistence, acceptance of others, and tolerance as a way of life among various segments of society, and this is an authentic approach in the Islamic religion, which recognized that disagreement is one of the laws of God Almighty, pointing out that the Document of Human Fraternity is the most important. A document in modern human history.

Dr. Zakr Al-Rahman stressed that the UAE represents a model of coexistence, peace and love, not in the region but for the entire world. Because, since its founding, it has been a place where all cultures and religions were brought together in a unique way in an exceptional achievement for the Islamic nation in our present time, which is witnessing conflicts and disputes rippling throughout the world everywhere.

He pointed out that the Human Fraternity Document, which was signed by the Capital of Tolerance, Abu Dhabi, and the Abrahamic Family House, constitute a legacy of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, “may God have mercy on him,” who believed in the necessity of respecting all cultures and religions, and worked hard to build a tolerant Emirati society that accepted others. The wise leadership follows the same approach, which reflects the continuity of this inspiring cultural heritage.

Surinder Singh Kandhari explained that the UAE represents a leading global destination for the values ​​of tolerance, diversity, pluralism, acceptance and respect for others. He embodied these values ​​through many initiatives and programmes, expressing his happiness to live in this diverse country, which was founded on solid principles of love and respect for all.

Bishop Mesrop Sargsyan expressed his appreciation and thanks to the Council of Muslim Elders for inviting him to participate in a symposium dealing with the UAE as a model of peaceful coexistence, noting that the values ​​of tolerance, human brotherhood and diversity have a historical presence in the Emirates.

The Muslim Council of Elders participates with a special pavilion in the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair. It presents more than 220 publications in 5 different languages, including 22 new publications that address the most important intellectual issues, in addition to hosting a group of cultural seminars that discuss topics focusing on dialogue, tolerance, coexistence, youth, peacemaking and the environment, a distinctive corner for the art of Arabic calligraphy, and a number of entertainment events. Designed for children.

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