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Putin’s “May Decrees” of 2012 were implemented in only 11 of 85 regions

Putin’s “May Decrees” of 2012 were implemented in only 11 of 85 regions

Almost 90% of Russian regions did not comply Vladimir Putin’s “May decrees” regarding salaries of public sector employees, which the Russian President signed back in 2012.

The study published by the publication “Verstka” takes into account Crimea and Sevastopol annexed in 2014, and does not take into account the annexed territories of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine.

As Vorstka notes, according to Putin’s order 12 years ago, by 2018, Russian teachers, doctors, employees of cultural institutions and social workers were supposed to receive the average salary in the region. The publication, based on open data, including data from Rosstat, estimated that by the end of 2023, only 11 of 85 Russian regions can report on the implementation of the president’s order.

Thus, a school teacher in Mordovia earned less than 32 thousand rubles a month last year, although he should have received no less than 36,560 rubles, and social workers in the Trans-Baikal Territory received less than 42 thousand with a target of 55,199 rubles.

The worst situation, according to Vorstka, is with the salaries of junior nurses and nurses, housekeepers and orderlies. 64 regions failed to achieve the target indicators for their salaries, and in the Kursk, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod and Magadan regions, Karelia, Komi, Tatarstan, as well as in the Trans-Baikal Territory, the gap with the target indicators exceeded 20%.

The study stipulates that Putin himself spoke about non-compliance with the “May decrees”. In October last year, he instructed the government and regional authorities to meet salary targets before the beginning of the current year. Later, the Russian President moved this deadline to the end of December.

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