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Shevchuk was complained to the prosecutor’s office because of his speech about revolution

Shevchuk was complained to the prosecutor’s office because of his speech about revolution

On the leader of the rock group DDT Yuri Shevchuk complained to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia because of his speech about the revolution at a concert in Dubai.

According to the Mash telegram channel, the denunciation of Shevchuk was written by the chairman of the “Council of Fathers of Russia” Andrei Zgonnikov. He asked to check the musician’s words for extremism.

At a concert in Dubai, which took place on May 4, Shevchuk spoke about two historical concepts. The first, in his words, is that all good things end in “complete bullshit,” and the second, “all this crap ends in some kind of revolution, something good.”

“I adhere to the second point of view and propose to you… This concept takes out. It takes out, my friends, it takes out,” Shevchuk said and sang lines from the song “Autumn.”

Shevchuk, a longtime pacifist, has repeatedly condemned the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. For this he was fined 50 thousand rubles under the article on discrediting the Russian army, and DDT concerts in Russia began to be cancelled. Despite this, Shevchuk continues to live in Russia.

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