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“Anguished” mother with her son Hadrien, rare confidences…

“Anguished” mother with her son Hadrien, rare confidences…

Anne-Élisabeth Blateau, aka Emma in the series “Scènes de households”, is a proud mother who is usually very secretive about her private life. But she has just made an exception by mentioning her son Hadrien as rarely.

Since 2011, Anne-Élisabeth Blateau has played Emma in the hit series Scenes of households, on M6, alongside David Mora. Together, they form a fictional couple and are the parents of little Chloe. In the new season of the program, she is pregnant with twins! The opportunity for the actress to discuss her own relationship with motherhood in an interview.

Anne-Élisabeth Blateau: what mother is she with her son?

Interviewed by the magazine TV 7 days, the 47-year-old actress was asked about what she shares in common with her character regarding motherhood. And the least we can say is that unlike Emma who plays mother without too much pressure with her daughter, Anne-Élisabeth Blateau is radically the opposite! “I’m not at all like Emma… I’m totally anxious. My son is my whole life. He will have the right to go to school alone at 24!“, she said. The actress, discreet about her private life, is the mother of little Hadrien, now 8 years old.

Anne-Élisabeth Blateau, in a relationship but secretive about the identity of her companion, adds: “I became a mother in the series before I became one in real life. I can use my experience, sometimes when reading the texts: we can validate them, but also provide comments, to allow the authors to rework them.”

Is Anne-Élisabeth Blateau’s son watching Scenes of households ?

In the pages of the magazine, the one who made a strong impression a few months ago by playing a larger-than-life reaction columnist in the CNews parody video by Malik Bentalha, was also questioned about her job as an actress. And if her son is the type to watch what she does on the small screen… or not. “My son has already come to the set once, to play a small role. He was very happy to spend the day on set. In his school, some children know me and he takes it very well. But he doesn’t particularly watch the series, because it doesn’t make him laugh…“, blurted Anne-Élisabeth Blateau.

The actress, who recently wrote, directed and starred in the mini series Unworthy mother available on the France Tv platform, told 7 Days TV that she is currently working on a new series project. Perhaps he will find favor in the eyes of his son? To be continued.

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