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Gaza truce talks: "We are in favor of anything that could allow hostages to return"says lawyer Patrick Klugman

Gaza truce talks: "We are in favor of anything that could allow hostages to return"says lawyer Patrick Klugman

“We are in favor of anything that could put an end to this situation and bring back hostages,” declared, Tuesday May 7 on franceinfo, Patrick Klugman, lawyer for several families of Franco-Israeli hostages. On Monday evening, Hamas said it had informed Egypt and Qatar, mediator countries with the United States, that it had “approved their proposal for a ceasefire agreement” with Israel. This proposal is “far from Israeli demands”, retorted the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“The time has come for all parties involved to fulfill their commitment and turn this opportunity into an agreement for the return of all hostages,” reacted the Families Forum, an Israeli association of relatives of hostages.

“This situation must end,” abounds Master Patrick Klugman. “There are more than a hundred Israeli citizens who have been torn from their families who we do not know if they are alive or dead,” he recalls. For him, “we totally forgot” In France “that there is a hostage taking still in progress” in Gaza.

The families of Franco-Israeli hostages he represents “would like to believe that Hamas is a good faith negotiator and that a truce would achieve satisfaction.” Gold, “the experience in this regard is questionable, because there have been truces which have allowed the return of hostages and at the same time, we know that Hamas rightly refuses the return of all the hostages as a basis for discussion, even though it would still be the least of things.”he emphasizes.

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