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Paris 2024: the French Hotel and Restaurant Group denounces the "bashing on hoteliers"accused of charging too high prices

Paris 2024: the French Hotel and Restaurant Group denounces the "bashing on hoteliers"accused of charging too high prices

“We had a lot of bashing on hoteliers, especially on the price of rooms” during the Paris Olympic Games, denounces on franceinfo Catherine Quérard, president of the French Hotel and Restaurant Group (GHR). “It is the law of supply and demand”she explains while the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, brought together an Interministerial Tourism Committee on Tuesday May 7.

Hotel rooms “are perhaps slightly more expensive than for a normal summer” but “no more expensive than at the time of the London Olympics”. According to her, there is “between 50 and 80% variation between the price of a normal room at the same period and the current price” practiced on the occasion of Paris 2024.

However, “as today the hotels are not completely full, there are still good deals to be had.” “You shouldn’t just look at booking sitesshe explains, you also sometimes have to call the hotelier directly, try to negotiate”. “Intermediation [passer par des plateformes] also costs hoteliers, we must not forget that”she explains.

Two months before the event, the GHR, which claims to represent 15,000 establishments, is especially concerned about recruitment difficulties, “a little point of concern”. There are still positions to be filled to work in the hotel and catering industry “during this magnificent period”.

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