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Russian Public Prosecution: "Freedom House" Their activities are undesirable on our territory

Russian Public Prosecution: "Freedom House" Their activities are undesirable on our territory

 The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office announced on Tuesday that the activities of the American international non-governmental organization “Freedom House” and the organization itself are undesirable within Russian territory.

The Russian news agency Novosti reported that Regarding the Public Prosecutor’s statement that the “Freedom House” organization Since the launch of the Russian special military operation, the United States has called for the confiscation of frozen Russian assets for the benefit of Ukraine. It also calls for providing comprehensive assistance to Ukraine and increasing sanctions pressure on Russia with the aim of defeating it, in addition to imposing international sanctions against third countries that support Moscow.

He was accused. Statement by the Russian Prosecutor General Freedom House The United States participates in promoting the policies of unfriendly countries regarding the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and discrediting the Russian armed forces, and also provides information, financial and legal support, and other forms of support to Russian opposition structures, pro-Western activists, homosexuals, and those convicted of terrorist crimes.

The statement indicated that Among the activities of the “Freedom House” organization is Promoting and strengthening what is known as “the hegemony of the American role in the world.”


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