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“The Egyptians” Party: Israeli military operations in Rafah are a violation of humanitarian values ​​and human rights

“The Egyptians” Party: Israeli military operations in Rafah are a violation of humanitarian values ​​and human rights

Counsel Hussein Abu Al-Atta, head of the “Egyptians” Party, member of the Executive Office of the Egyptian Parties Alliance, condemned the military operations carried out by the Zionist occupation army in the Palestinian city of Rafah since the early hours of this morning, which resulted in its control of the Palestinian side of Rafah crossing, stressing that the ongoing bloody events against the defenseless Palestinian people are a disgrace that haunts those who support this arrogant entity.


Abu Al-Atta said: In a statement today, Tuesday, the actions of the Zionist occupation army in Rafah come at an extremely dangerous and sensitive time, especially as they came after the Hamas movement announced its approval of Egypt’s proposal for a ceasefire, which confirms that the occupation government does not want peace and does not fear for the lives of the hostages. Israelis and defenseless civilians in Palestine, in addition to the fact that it refuses to obey international law and the Security Council.

The head of the “Egyptians” party added: The continuation of the Israeli approach of arrogance sends to the international community a clear message that your decisions have no value, and this comes as a result of the silence maintained by the forces influencing the Zionist entity in the world, who always say “veto” For a ceasefire, and here we are today, because of this support, facing a new massacre of the occupation, which raised the slogan: There is no international law, there is no humanitarian conventions.

A member of the executive office of the Egyptian Parties Alliance explained that the occupation army’s continued firing The fire and encroachment into the city of Rafah confirms that the occupation forces aim to commit new massacres in front of the entire international community, and disregards all international conventions, pointing out that the situation since last October 7 until now has been getting worse in the Palestinian territories, and the international community remains silent. p>

Abu al-Atta confirmed that What the occupation army forces are currently doing in Palestinian Rafah will lead the entire region to more fire, and will not lead to achieving the goals of the Zionist entity, especially since Egypt will not and has not allowed Egyptian national security to be threatened and is fully prepared to defend it, in addition to the fact that the Palestinian people will not accept displacement. Forced people from their land, no matter how much the entity increases its oppression and tyranny.

He concluded: The Palestinian issue remains and forced displacement is unacceptable. Everyone must exercise self-restraint and reason and return again to the negotiating table and adhere to what was agreed upon under Egyptian auspices until stability returns to the region. Everyone must know that Egypt has fulfilled its role as a leadership and people, and is still doing so, and will continue to support the Palestinian people until they regain their land on the internationally recognized 1967 borders. All powers in the world must extend a hand of cooperation to the Egyptian political leadership in order to end this genocide against the people. The defenseless Palestinian.


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