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The Israeli Defense Forces captured the Rafah checkpoint.

The Israeli Defense Forces captured the Rafah checkpoint.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Tuesday morning captured The Rafah checkpoint from the Gaza Strip stopped its operation. It is reported that cars are not allowed through it yet.

The day before, the Israeli military cabinet decided that the operation in the city of Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip, on the border with Egypt, would continue. The Israeli side stated that it would continue to put pressure on the Hamas group, recognized as terrorist in the United States and the European Union, in order to release the hostages. She calls Rafah the last stronghold of the group.

After Israel brought equipment and troops into Rafah, Hamas announced agreement to a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. They informed the Qatari Prime Minister and the head of Egyptian intelligence, who acted as intermediaries.

At the same time, Al-Jazeera TV channel, citing a senior Hamas representative reportsthat the proposal accepted by the group included a complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip, the return of refugees and an exchange of hostages for Palestinian prisoners.

At the same time, one of the Israeli officials, in a conversation with Reuters, said that the mediators conveyed to the group a “softened” Egyptian proposal. Israel is not happy with it.

On Monday, the Israeli military called on residents of the city of Rafah to evacuate the eastern outskirts, which are close to the Israeli border, and move to the Al-Mawasi and Khan Yunis areas. The IDF claims that an expanded humanitarian zone has been created for them.

  • Israel has been conducting military operations in the Gaza Strip since the Hamas attack in the south of the country on October 7. Then more than 1,200 civilians were killed, more than 250 people were taken hostage and taken to Gaza. Israel has stated that its goal is the complete destruction of Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
  • The Hamas-controlled Gaza Ministry of Health claims that more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in the strip since the start of hostilities.
  • Many countries accuse Israel of excessive cruelty towards civilians. The Israeli military says it is only attacking the group’s infrastructure and claims that Hamas is locating its facilities in densely populated areas, using civilians as human shields.

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