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" Egyptian" He adheres to his right to African participation

" Egyptian" He adheres to his right to African participation

The Egyptian Club’s Board of Directors, headed by Kamel Abu Ali, confirmed its adherence to the right of the club’s first football team to participate in the African Championships during the next season 2024/2025, if the first round standings are adopted as a criterion for participation in the event that the league matches are not completed upon the request of the African Union. Football " Enough " From the Egyptian Federation to send the names of the teams participating in the African Championships.





The Council stressed  The management of the Egyptian Club has full confidence in the decisions of the Egyptian Football Association to determine the participating teams in Africa, of which Al-Masry guarantees one of their seats according to the first round standings, without even considering a number of clubs completing the first-round matches, especially with Al-Masry outperforming the competing clubs, whether in the number of points or matches. Direct, which was previously confirmed by the Egyptian Council in its official correspondence with the Egyptian Football Association and the Association of Egyptian Professional Football Clubs. The management of the Egyptian Club categorically rejects all the methods adopted by the Board of Directors of one of the corporate clubs in the Premier League, which has, during the recent period, continued to create confusion among the public, and the last of these methods was its announcement through its official page of its club of its right to participate in Africa, based on the ranking published by the Club Association. Egyptian professional football after the seventeenth round, noting that the table is prepared electronically without regard to the direct matches that ended with Al-Masry’s victory.
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