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The Saudi Armed Forces participate in an exercise "IFES 2024" In the city of Izmir, Turkey

The Saudi Armed Forces participate in an exercise "IFES 2024" In the city of Izmir, Turkey

 The Saudi Armed Forces announced that units from branches of its armed forces will participate in the multinational joint exercise “EFES 2024,” which will be implemented in the city of Izmir in the Republic of Turkey, along with the forces of a number of other participating countries.

  >The exercise is being carried out in two main phases, the first being the command center exercise at the Multinational War Center in Istanbul and the Joint Command Training Center in Izmir, and the second phase, the field exercise at Kartal Camp in the city of Izmir.


The head of the Saudi Armed Forces Training and Development Authority, Major General Adel bin Muhammad Al-Balawi, confirmed – in a statement broadcast by the Saudi Press Agency – that the participation of branches of the Saudi Armed Forces in the exercise comes within the framework of developing their capabilities and enhancing their status and presence at the levels of organization, training, and armament. Pointing out that the exercise aims to exchange experiences between the forces of the participating countries, train in planning and coordinating joint operations in a different operational environment, raise the combat efficiency of the participating units, and enhance military cooperation between the participating countries.


He indicated that the participating units will carry out many field maneuvers, including sea landing operations, search and rescue, confronting drone threats, in addition to shooting with light weapons using live ammunition.


< p>The head of the Armed Forces Training and Development Authority noted that the armed forces units will participate during the exercise in carrying out land and sea special forces operations using various modern and diverse weapons.


The Saudi armed forces units were The participant in the exercise arrived in Turkey, and was received by the military attaché of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Ankara, Commodore Adel bin Muhammad Al-Kalthami, the director of the exercise from the Saudi side, Brigadier General Nasser bin Hathlin Al-Suhaimi, and a number of officers from branches of the Saudi Armed Forces.


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