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Argentina: second general strike against ultraliberal President Javier Milei

Argentina: second general strike against ultraliberal President Javier Milei

The new Argentine president, the ultraliberal Javier Milei, faces a call for a general strike on Thursday May 9, the second in five months in power. The streets in Argentina are raising their voices, while its austerity program is already contested by almost daily demonstrations, but of varying scale.

For 24 hours, the capital, Buenos Aires, should be at a standstill. There will be no trains, no buses, no metro. Some 400 flights will also be canceled, affecting 70,000 passengers, according to the Latin American Air Transport Association.

Strike “against a brutal adjustment, in defense of labor and union rights, and a decent salary”, launched by several unions including the powerful Peronist CGT, promises to be followed. Much more than that of January 24 which lasted only 12 hours. It had been mocked by the government like the strike “the fastest in history”because announced only 18 days after the inauguration of Javier Milei.

The political impact of this strike could, however, be less important than the major marches in defense of the university on April 24, during which a million demonstrators mobilized. Eread as “providential man who arrived to resolve problems that the previous elites had left lying around”Javier Milei “retains cores of support unscathed, or at least fairly solid, in public opinion”analyzes the political scientist Gabriel Vommaro.

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