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Nahyan bin Mubarak opens a conference "The governments of the world are incubators of tolerance"

ABU DHABI, 9th May / WAM / His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, stressed the importance of the “AIM Investment Summit” in focusing on presenting new ideas and exchanging knowledge and experiences facing the region and the world, noting that they are unprecedented challenges that require… Everyone cooperates, especially by thinkers and doers.

His Excellency said that this summit was dedicated to giving thinkers and actors the opportunity to become leaders of regional and global change, pointing out the importance of their sincere participation in the success and prosperity of national, regional and global societies.

This came in His Excellency’s speech during the opening of the events and activities of the “World Governments Incubator of Tolerance” conference, which focused on the frameworks and mechanisms necessary to promote the values ​​of tolerance for a better world, amid a prominent international presence at the conference’s activities, under the slogan “The Role of Tolerance and Coexistence in Sustaining Economic Growth” in Framework of activities for the “AIM Investment Summit” in Abu Dhabi.

Speaking at the main session, which was attended by His Excellency Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al-Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade, His Excellency Afra Al-Sabri, Director-General of the Ministry of Tolerance, His Excellency Miguel Meade, Minister of Investment of the Republic of Honduras, and His Excellency Maria Sonsoles García León, Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fishing of the Republic of Ecuador, spoke. His Excellency Harris Whitbeck, Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Guatemala, and His Excellency Alamuddin Konaković, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On the sidelines of the conference, memorandums of understanding were concluded between the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence, the Ministry of Investment of the Republic of Honduras, and the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fishing of the Republic of Ecuador, signed by His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan on behalf of the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence, His Excellency Miguel Meade, Minister of Investment of the Republic of Honduras, and His Excellency Maria Sonsoles Garcia León, Minister of Production, Foreign Trade and Investment in Ecuador, while Her Excellency Afra Al Sabri, Director General of the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence, signed a cooperation agreement between the UAE and Austria, which was signed on behalf of Austria by Dr. His Excellency Dr. Etienne Berchtold, Ambassador of Austria to the country. The three memorandums relate to supporting cooperation in the field of dialogue between… Cultures and religions.

His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan said, at the beginning of his opening speech, that the United Arab Emirates welcomes all of you to this year’s Annual Investment Forum, which is an exceptional conference in hosting the finest speakers and participants, and it is a conference known for its valuable deliberations, and I am pleased to be with you today. I thank you all for being here, and I wish you successful and fruitful sessions.

His Excellency added that the UAE does not need to look for examples related to the role of bold decisions and hard work in moving the country forward. It has an example and role model represented by the founding father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul. He was a man of wisdom and vision. He was able to see beyond the horizon and chart a path for the future of our country, and his strong conviction in the importance of community participation in planning and implementation was one of the most important aspects that distinguished his leadership. The success of the UAE’s journey is based on the high standards it holds itself to, and the ambitious expectations it instills in its people in all its endeavors. Collective.

His Excellency explained that His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him,” continues the path of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan towards a peaceful, developed society, and the commitment of His Highness the President of the State to promoting human dignity, peace, tolerance and coexistence is truly a source of inspiration, as He leads the country with the full conviction that building human capital is the basis of progress and development, and that the knowledge economy and knowledge society are the two primary goals of His Highness the President of the State. Thanks to his leadership and support, the UAE has become a pivotal center in the global economy, as well as a global model for tolerance and coexistence.

His Excellency said: In my capacity as Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, I affirm to you my deep belief in the role of tolerance and human brotherhood in shaping the future and confronting many major global challenges. Through them, we realize the moral obligation to care for all, and we are able to develop education and encourage innovation, so that citizens can contribute to a knowledge-based economy and society. Through tolerance and human brotherhood, cooperation, understanding and mutual respect are achieved between different groups and cultures. We are also able to preserve our heritage and enhance our cultures, and thus we are proud of our national identity. Tolerance helps us define our responsibility in joint action in order to build a bright future, carry the banner of peace and preserve dignity. Humanity for all as we seek to develop our local, regional and global societies.

His Excellency addressed the audience of officials and thinkers, saying: As we move forward, I remind you to present tolerance as a major component in your discussions about the characteristics of a good society, and we in the Emirates have a firm conviction that building a peaceful and prosperous society must be based on a commitment to the universal human values ​​that we all share, and it must We give the highest priority to the values ​​of tolerance, dialogue, respect, compassion, understanding, cooperation and human communication.

His Excellency pointed out that events and challenges in all parts of the world have reached an unprecedented level of tension and confrontation, as our world has gone through conflicts and transformations that no one expected and that no one wanted, and new political and economic realities have emerged, and the importance of issues of human safety and dignity, education and human development has increased. , economic participation and well-being, hunger and malnutrition in the world, and the UAE, like the world, has a renewed passion for preserving and protecting the environment and meeting the humanitarian needs of our brothers and sisters around the world.

His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan pointed out that holding this conference expresses everyone’s firm conviction that in the face of these developments, everyone must do everything in their power to create a world of hope, peace and fruitful coexistence, a world in which the virtues of justice, equality, brotherhood and prosperity are united. Free dialogue between people of different cultures and backgrounds, without extremism, violence, war, or hatred, is a world of progress, security, and a better future for all.

His Excellency said: In order for this world to come into existence, we must respect and strengthen the bonds that unite us as members of a global community, and we must do everything in our power to eradicate poverty and provide economic opportunities for all, and we must focus attention on successful models from all over the world, including… This is our Emirati model, to prove that peace and coexistence within diverse human societies is a positive and creative force that drives progress and stability, and we must interact with the diversity in our societies, adhere to the principles of human brotherhood, and improve the quality of life for all.

His Excellency added: As the only Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence in the world, we bear the honor and responsibility of working with our country’s diverse population to keep our country open and safe, enjoying peace and prosperity, and emerging to the world as a successful model of peaceful coexistence between cultures. We will continue to promote tolerance and combat intolerance to create a peaceful, pluralistic global society. We will also continue to raise issues such as tolerance and the sustainable development goals, tolerance and enhancing societal resilience, tolerance in education and its role in forming wise leaders and change makers, tolerance and restoring individual and national identity, and tolerance as an area of ​​international cooperation. I invite you all to participate with us in these endeavors, and we are ready to share our experience and spread the word. Awareness of the universal power of tolerance.

Commenting on the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence and Honduras; His Excellency Miguel Meade, Minister of Investment of the Republic of Honduras, said: Today we celebrate the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence in the UAE and the Investment Promotion Office in the Republic of Honduras to promote the values ​​of tolerance and coexistence, indicating that this memorandum represents more than just an agreement between two countries, it represents the beginning of strategic cooperation. And a moral that transcends borders and cultures, through which we pledge to work together to promote and strengthen the values ​​of tolerance and coexistence in our societies, as the world faces increasingly complex and urgent challenges, and in these times international cooperation is an essential part of achieving stability and promoting a positive investment environment.

The Minister of Investment of the Republic of Honduras stressed that his country realizes the importance of promoting an environment of mutual respect, understanding and peace in all sectors of society, indicating the complete conviction that through cooperation and the exchange of experiences, a significant impact can be achieved in building more inclusive and resilient societies. He said that this memorandum will also allow for the establishment of a joint working group to develop concrete plans and programs to achieve common goals.

He added that this memorandum is not just an official agreement, but rather a sincere commitment between two countries to work together towards a better future, expressing his confidence in achieving great progress in promoting the values ​​of tolerance and coexistence in the two countries.

The activities of the “World Governments are Incubators of Tolerance” conference, under the slogan “The Role of Tolerance and Coexistence in Sustaining Economic Growth,” included the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence organizing a panel discussion on strengthening the efforts of global tolerance clubs in universities, moderated by Zahra Khalifa from the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence, with the participation of His Excellency Artur Kireev, Director of the College of Tolerance. Acting Postgraduate Studies for Technological Entrepreneurship – Saint Petersburg (Polytechnic University), Her Excellency Ruchita Sharma (University of Wollongong) and a number of experts on tolerance, coexistence and human brotherhood around the world who discussed the development of the Tolerance Clubs initiative in international universities that the UAE launched last year, and exchanged experiences and the most important practices in this regard. The field, and the forum also discussed ways to activate the initiative on a larger scale so that it includes new members around the world.

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