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Urgent| "Netanyahu" Tweeting from a hidden party… a sweeping attack on "Biden" From the Jewish lobby

Urgent| "Netanyahu" Tweeting from a hidden party… a sweeping attack on "Biden" From the Jewish lobby

The dramatic threat made last night by US President Joe Biden, according to which he will not supply bombs and missiles to Israel if it decides to launch a large-scale operation in Rafah, has received wide coverage. 


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The Jewish lobby in the American press attacks Biden… accusing him of betraying Israel


The Wall Street Journal said: “This is a decision that President Biden did not want to make,” but the report that dealt with preventing the delivery of weapons to the Zionist entity raises a question: Did Israel give him a choice at all? 


In Meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has not yet responded directly to Biden’s words, once again shared on social media his Holocaust Day speech in which he said: “If Israel has to fight alone, it will.”  


For his part, Defense Minister Yoav Galant announced, “I turn and say from here to the enemies of Israel and its best friends – it is impossible to subjugate the State of Israel – not the IDF, Neither the Ministry of Defense, nor the security establishment, nor the State of Israel, and whatever the cost, we will guarantee the existence of the State of Israel.


The Wall Street Journal reported: About "Top Secret Discussions" They took place in Washington over the sensitive issue of halting arms shipments to Israel, realizing that if they expressed the threat publicly, the greatest leverage at their disposal could harm the campaign against the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip. 

Last week a decision was made, but its purpose was merely a "signal" – Stopping the shipment of a single weapon of smart bombs, in order to send a clear message to Israel: focus on negotiations for a prisoner exchange deal that will lead to a temporary ceasefire, and not on preparations for action in Rafah. 

The Biden administration hoped that this decision would remain secret, and perhaps make Netanyahu recalculate, after months of implicit threats in the name of “American officials”. 

In Washington, they estimated that if the decision was leaked, this would lead to… An attack on US President Joe Biden, mainly from the Republican Party, about six months before the presidential elections.


The evidence is the harsh criticism directed at Biden’s words, which was also heard by Jewish organizations. It can be found on the cover of the New York Post, where a photo of Netanyahu appears with the US President – and the caption: “Betrayal”.

According to an American source who requested anonymity, it was finally leaked by “Israeli officials”. 

The source said: “We did not want to leave and tried to deal with the sensitive crisis diplomatically.” After the report was published, American officials had no choice but to confirm the details – and the confrontation moved from covert to public. 

The officials explained: “We stopped a shipment of heavy bombs, which could be particularly devastating In a dense urban area like Rafah,” they admitted that now that the dirty laundry has been exposed, Washington is looking at other possible shipments. 

Hope for reaching an agreement and a ceasefire, which was shattered 


Until the end of last week, senior officials in the Biden administration were still hopeful that a deal could be reached. An agreement on prisoners, which would also bring with it a ceasefire for at least six weeks, and possibly extending beyond that. The basis for the decision to delay arms shipments was laid on the US President’s desk last month, when the administration began a "quiet review" For the issue.

 On the other hand, Israel insisted on the negotiation strategy during the fighting.

That is, sending a delegation to the negotiation talks in Doha and Cairo, and at the same time threatening to work in Rafah, and the threats turned into Actions last Monday, the Israeli army began evacuating the residents of Rafah, and dropped banners calling on the refugees to leave the city. 

The 100,000 residents of the city’s suburbs were forced to move to a “safe zone” It had been prepared in advance. 

A day later, Israel had already sent forces to take control of the Rafah crossing from the Palestinian side.

In an interview with CNN, US President Joe Biden had already expressed of the dramatic threat – saying that heavy bombs, of which his government is already delaying a large shipment, have caused widespread civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip.


According to him, if Israel launches More large-scale practical bombs, which Netanyahu continues to promise, will not be prepared to provide such a weapon. 

This was an unprecedented statement by the American president, who has been paying a heavy political price throughout the war for standing by Israel. He has so far rejected calls from the progressive camp to consider limiting military aid to the Zionist entity. 


It must be emphasized that Biden made clear in the interview tonight that even if Israel launched an operation in Rafah “Civilians have been killed,” Biden said, referring to the 900-kilogram bombs that were part of a delayed shipment. in Gaza as a result of these bombs and as a result of other ways in which they target population centres.” It is clear that if they enter Rafah – and they have not entered Rafah yet – I will not provide them with the weapons that were used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities, with the problem. 

Biden added: “I made it clear to " Baby" And the Israeli war government says that you will not receive aid if you enter the population centers in Rafah.” 


The American President stressed that Israel has not crossed its red line yet: the Rafah crossing, where The Israeli army is currently operating close to the border and not in the most densely populated areas of the southernmost city of the Strip – where hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees live. “They did not enter the population centers. What they did was directly on the border, and this in itself causes Problems now with Egypt, which has worked hard to ensure that we have relations and assistance from it."

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