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The Arab League condemns the Israeli attacks on Rafah and the attack on the UNRWA headquarters in Jerusalem

The Arab League condemns the Israeli attacks on Rafah and the attack on the UNRWA headquarters in Jerusalem

Cairo, May 10 / WAM / Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, condemned in the strongest terms the successive attacks carried out by Israel over the past two days on the densely populated Palestinian city of Rafah.
Aboul Gheit said – in a statement issued today – that “the ongoing Israeli maneuvers to thwart reaching an agreement that would lead to a ceasefire and the exchange of prisoners have become exposed to everyone,” noting that “the occupying state is only interested in achieving full revenge on the people of Gaza, regardless of any humanitarian or humanitarian consideration.” legal”.

He stressed that “the entire world has begun to speak with almost one voice about the necessity of stopping this massacre immediately, and it is inconceivable that the political future of one person or the internal policy of the occupying state should stand in the face of a clear global will and a comprehensive international consensus.”
Aboul Gheit also condemned the attack by Israeli extremists on the UNRWA headquarters in East Jerusalem, which led to its closure, stressing that this attack constitutes a flagrant violation of international law under which UN facilities are protected.

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