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Al-Rutmi: Egypt’s official move before the International Court confirms its keenness to preserve the rights of the Palestinian people

Al-Rutmi: Egypt’s official move before the International Court confirms its keenness to preserve the rights of the Palestinian people

Issam Al-Ratmi, Assistant Secretary-General of the Protectors of the Homeland Party for North Upper Egypt, welcomed Egypt’s announcement of its intention to intervene in support of South Africa’s lawsuit against Israel before the International Court of Justice in view of the crimes it committed against the Palestinians.

Al-Ratmi continued in press statements that this is the case.   It comes as a continuation of the Egyptian state’s efforts to support the Palestinian cause, explaining that Egypt has taken the Palestinian cause upon itself and has endured a lot in order to support the rights of the Palestinian people to establish their state.

Al-Ratmi pointed out that Egypt’s official move before the International Court of Justice comes in The Israeli side’s intransigence and its violation of all international laws and norms remained ignored, and it procrastinated in reaching any agreement or truce for the sake of a ceasefire.

The Assistant Secretary-General of the Hamat al-Watan Party appreciated the role of the Egyptian negotiator and his continued efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement and inject The blood of innocent people, confirming its historical role in preserving the rights of the Palestinian people.


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